Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Good Week in Books (41)

So, I’ve gotten a little behind in my book reviewing…My life keeps getting in the way of my blogging! I refuse to let this keep happening. I am still reading a lot. I might currently be in the middle of six different books…And I can’t wait to finish them and talk about them. In the mean time, I had a very light book week. I received one ARC to review. I received one new requested title on Net Galley. And I bought one new book too!

Pitch Green by The Brothers Washburn (ARC 3/16/13, Thank you, Jolly Fish Press!)
Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding (Galley, 2/5/13, Thank you, Entangled Publishing)
How was your week in books?

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