Thursday, April 10, 2014

Curtsies and Conspiracies by Gail Carriger

Summary (from Goodreads):
Sophronias first year at Mademoiselle Geraldines Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality has certainly been rousing. For one thing, finishing school is training her to be a spy. Now, as she sneaks around the dirigible school, eavesdropping on the teachers quarters and making clandestine climbs to the ships boiler room, she learns that there may be more to a school trip to London than is at first apparent. A conspiracy is afoot, one with dire implications for both supernaturals and humans. Sophronia must rely on her training to discover who is behind the dangerous plot and survive the London Season with a full dance card.
I loved the first book, which had me laughing out loud, to an embarrassing degree. I was so excited to know that the sequel was already out. I can always use a good laugh.
This one, sadly, wasn’t quite as funny as the first. It only had me laughing out loud once toward the end during one of those absolutely absurd British humor type, utter chaos moments. This book in the series definitely focused more on the plot than on the humor. It was all about fights with best friends, love triangles, kidnapping missions, balls, vampire and Picklemen politics, espionage lessons, evil geniuses, cross dressing, and mysterious code.
I love that this author can throw a million different elements into her plot, and never make you feel like it’s too much. I also love how much smarter the main character is becoming. Sophronia still has a lot to learn in regards to boys, black mail, and her future. However, as she learns, she becomes increasingly more aware of the world (and sky) around her. I love that she’s never quick to dismiss a character or group of people, even when they disappoint her. She thinks almost everything through and is willing to own up when she is wrong.
I also loved learning more about the crazy world Sophronia is in. A lot was learned about vampires in this book. Also, there were snidbits about werewolves. There were more insane inventions, more steam punk machines, more spying on teachers, more dancing, and more fun. Despite the book’s decrease in humor, I actually enjoyed it even more than the first book. I really got to know more of the side characters I love. And I really go to see more into this world. Plus, the whole thing at the end with the vampires and the kidnapping was crazy awesome!
I can’t wait to pick up book three. I know it will be a giant feast of all supernatural elements, and I know there will be even more mysteries and spying missions to come. I can’t wait to see where things resolve with Sophronia and the boys in her life. I also am interested in seeing what path the girl will take. I highly recommend this series to fans of Poison by Bridget Zinn and Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. I give it a 10/10. I just loved it.

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